Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual

Public Lands Survey System (PLSS)

Beyond math and physics land surveying brings its practitioners into the world of history and legal aspects. The text takes the reader through the history of surveying in the United States, the definition of surveying terms, the process and procedures of surveying land in the Public Land Survey System, as well as explanations of many legal concepts.

Quadratic Equations

The manual starts with the foundation of mathematics and builds into the reader's understanding of survey concepts. The presentation of the order of operations as the basis for all needed mathematics leads into quadratic formulas. Quadratic formulas are an essential part of many survey calculations. A solid understanding of the quadratic formula and its use are provided within the text with great detail.

Horizontal Curves

Horizontal curves are a guarantee on the exam! The manual spends a great deal of time explaining horizontal (and vertical) curves. The diagrams make for easy interpretation of the explanations as each element of the curve is broken down.

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Texas State Specific Land Surveying: Exam Study Manual

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A study guide and reference manual for the Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) Texas State specific examination. The manual focuses on the elements of land surveying for the State of Texas. The manual compiles years' worth of notes, experience, and education by the author. The topics discussed are concise and serve as a great study guide and excellent reference manual. Topics include history and timelines of Texas and the separate sovereignties that created the State, unwritten land rights, Texas land law, survey evidence, rules of construction, dignity of calls, roads and traveled ways, riparian rights, title, deed, descriptions, easements, Texas land measurements, and more.

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Survey Presentation Lessons and Solution Spreadsheets (electronic/digital format)

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$25.00 USD
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Twelve (13) individual survey lessons in PDF format:

  • 1_PLSS Breakdown
  • 2_Single-Double Proportion (includes spreadsheet)
  • 3_Horizontal Curves
  • 4_Vertical Curves
  • 5_Rules of Construction
  • 6_Quadratic Formula
  • 7_PEMDAS
  • 8_Statistics
  • 9_Intersecting Lines/Center Points (includes spreadsheet)
  • 10_Traverse Adjustment
  • 11_Least Squares
  • 12_Section 6 Breakdown (includes spreadsheet)
  • 13_Title and Rights

Three (4) Excel Spreadsheets with embedded equations for solution results:

  • Single and Double Proportioning
  • Section 6 Calculations       
  • Intersecting Lines (slope and y-intercept process)
  • Intersecting Lines (law of sines process)

(PLEASE provide valid email with purchase and the set will be sent accordingly)

Speaking and Presentation Requests?

I am always willing to discuss options for speaking engagements (i.e., survey conferences, company training sessions, etc.). I love the opportunity to educate and share my experiences Please reach out to Dane at: